Recruitment information inquiry

Please contact us at our telephone number or email address.

* For those who contact us via email, please read the following carefully and click on the "Agree" button if you agree to it.

Purpose of the use of personal information

SystemSquare Corporation strives to protect personal information acquired through its recruitment processes.

Personal information filled in the form by applicants shall be used as follows in accordance with our company's principle of "Protection of individual information policy".

If you agree to the "use of personal information acquired through recruitment processes" section, please click on the "Agree" button to proceed to answer the questions.

Regarding the use of personal information acquired through recruitment processes

  • Acquisition of personal information

    "Through our recruitment processes, our company acquires personal information of applicants for the following purposes. If personal information provided by applicants is incorrect, it may cause inconvenience such as misunderstanding when we contact the applicants during our recruitment processes. "

  • Necessity of the provision of personal information

    It is optional for applicants to provide information; however, inconvenience, e.g. misunderstanding, might arise from the lack of personal information when we contact the applicants during the recruitment processes. We hope you understand.

  • Purpose of the use of personal information

    Applicants' personal information shall be used for the following purposes. We shall not use personal information beyond the scope of use defined below. (1)Used in communication to confirm identity, set up interviews, inform selection results, prepare the admission of applicants into the company (2)Used for emergency communication.

  • Use of personal information

    "We respect applicants' right to privacy and pay due attention to the administration and filing of applicants' personal information. If an applicant is not selected or declines our offer, we shall promptly return or destroy the applicant's personal information. "

  • Provision of personal information to a third party

    Except for the following cases, we shall not disclose an applicant's personal information to a third party: (1)The applicant's consent has been obtained. (2)It is required by law (including requests by judicial authorities or police) (3)When the information is necessary to protect human life or assets but it is difficult to get the applicant's consent.

  • Authorization of personal information

    We shall not entrust a third party with applicants' personal information.

  • Inquiries about personal information

    If there is a request from an applicant who wishes to make corrections or stop the disclosure, use or provision of information to a third party (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure") in cases related to the content of personal information, notifification of the purpose of use, incorrect personal information, etc., such a request shall be treated reasonably within an allowed period of time. I will correspond for an appropriate, reasonable period within the range based on the law when) is claimed. However, the above shall not apply to personal information that corresponds to the following cases.
    ① It is clear that the withholding of such personal information may cause harm to the life, body or property of a third party. ② It is clear that the withholding of such personal information may promote or lead to illegal or inappropriate actions. ③ It is clear that the withholding of such personal information may cause negative impacts on national security, cause damage to the trust and relationships with other countries or international organizations, or result in a disadvantage in negotiation with other countries or international organizations. ④ It is clear that the withholding of such personal information may obstruct the prevention, prosecution or investigation of crimes and affect public security and the maintenance of order.
    For specific procedures to request information disclosure, please contact "the personal information consultation counter". In addition, please be informed that you will have to pay a fee to request the disclosure of information and give notice of the purpose of use in accordance with our company's regulations.

  • Staff in charge of personal information management and protection

    To discuss the use of personal information acquired from clients, please contact us at the following address:

    Company name: SystemSquare Corporation
    Address: Tramond Shinosaka Bldg, 〒532-0004, 2−7−1 Nishimiyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu
    Tel: 06-6152-7788
    FAX: 06-6115-8763
    Staff in charge: Business Support Division Group Manager

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